Monday, April 4, 2016

Tales from the Hearse

So I own a hearse, and what follows are some tales of hearse adventure.

This passed weekend while driving the hearse on the way to N. Mountain park some guy held his fingers up making the sign of the cross (with a big grin on his face). Then on the way back I decided to take the Peck (roomies kid) to McDonald's. While in the drive through the cashier says to me, "oh I'm so sorry when did it happen?" Not understanding I asked, "when did what happen?" He sort of stammered and looked at the back of the hearse. Then I realized, I said, "oh, no one died, this is just my car." He seemed flustered but gave me my food and wished me a good day...

So I suppose I need another story, to make this a "some tales", right?

I drove my hearse out to HearseCon last year, which is in Denver. Thus I was on the road for some time, and I needed to take a short break from the drive. So I stopped at I guess what was once a store and restaurant. I popped the hood on the hearse to check the oil and have a look at the coolant. 

As I'm standing there with the hood popped, this church van drives by really slow. I swear that the van could have driven on two wheels as all the occupants faces were pressed up against the windows to take in the spectacle of a random hearse on parked in front of an abandoned building with the hood up.

Last year was my second year going to the Haunted Hearses Car Show at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. On the way out there I pulled over to get some snacks, and it was at night. So I sat down on the cement in front of the hearse to eat my snacks.

A car with two women pulls up and they get out and go in to the gas station to get snacks or cigarettes. When they come out they notice the car and then they see me. The ask if the car was mine, which I told them it was. They went through the list of questions, but one I think is the strangest one I've been asked thus far, "do you eat in there." Snacks in hand I tell them, "yes, it's just a car."

^^These are just a few stories, I'll try to update as time allows...