Recently I made the above post to my FB.
Many of my friends rushed to tell me that I was beautiful inside and out. While I was not actually phishing, I appreciate your compliments and well wishes.
Have you noticed that I never refer to myself as beautiful, sexy, attractive or hot? I will refer to myself as "awesome." Most people take that word to meaning a superlative of good. Awesome can mean that, but it really means; causing or inducing awe; inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear.
In the not very much wider world than my friends I realize that I make some people... uncomfortable. What with my high hair, resting bitch face, contacts, tattoos, monster-mash shoes and the car. There are people out there who think for someone to want to look like me, they have to be a mental defective, immature, on drugs or worship Satan.
How many parents live in fear of their kids looking like me?
Can you see it now? Can you see how I'm some people's monster? Hence the post...
Trust me, it's not bad being a monster, everyone who is worth knowing is actually a monster. We have to decide what kind of monster we want to be, the kind that destroys or the kind that creates.
On the beauty thing, I realize that my time has come and gone to be that typical beauty. The blonde cheer leader with big tits. I never cared to be this nor am I lamenting any perceived missed opportunity. I hope that I am interesting, because I think that is much better to be an interesting monster rather than an insipid beauty.