Friday, November 17, 2017

Krampus ate my clothes!

Silly story...

I had noticed I was missing some work shirts... I tend to wear polo shirts to work and I could only find a couple of shirts. Now this went on for about two weeks... I couldn't figure it out... I asked my room mate if she had any of my clothes, you know as if I had left them in they dryer and she had taken them out. Nope... So I went a couple days and then I went to the Waffle and asked if he was throwing my clothes away out of spite for something, not that he would do something like that but I was getting desperate. I even started to suspect that my OTHER room mate got all psycho and was stealing my clothes for some weird reason.

So as I was walking into the dining room, it occurred to me that I had stuffed my clothes into the pants of my Krampus costume and had set it out side as a Halloween prop. When Halloween was over I had set it aside that evening saying I'd get to it the next day... then forgot about it! Yay! found my clothes!

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