Well Boos and Ghouls, Halloween has come and gone. It always amazes me how I spend the whole month, even year looking forward to it and it's over in a couple hours. I guess that is what Christmas feels like to everyone else.
So to start my day off I wanted to go wash the hearse, but I stopped to air up a tire and get a coffee at the local "Maverick" convenience store.
I came out of the convenience store and a couple young men yelled at me they liked my house, meaning my hearse. So I was a little confused, but said "thanks" anyway... I'm not sure if they thought I just looked homeless or they thought a hearse would make a good home? I decided that they were going with the hearse is a good mobile home and get away car for vampires...
There were some firsts for me, I had to scrub the crappy clay dirt up here from my hearse! It sucked, once I was done I thought I needed a nap! Right in the middle of it all a guy pulls up to wash his car and he asked me about my coach. I showed it all to him and I explained how they were made yackitty smakitty… and then I said something about it being called a "hearse" and he looks at me, straight faced and says, "what is that?" I just held my arms open wide and gestured to my hearse.
This was also my first "Trunk-or-Treat," something of a necessity since I have moved from the city to the rural county side. This enables kids that live outside of the city limits, on farms or ranches to all gather someplace and get candy. It's kind of like in valley were you just bus the kids into the most affluent neighborhoods to get candy.
I pulled up and a young man said for me to park next to a fire pick-up truck (so not the big fire truck but a pick-up truck) which I did. Then I set about putting spider web on my coach and just decorating for the evening. From behind me I hear some woman say, "I'm sorry but that is just creepy." I just said something over my shoulder like, "isn't that the point?" as I continued to decorate. Then I put my church truck out and pulled my casket part way out of the back and perched it up on the church truck.
The Trunk-or-Treat is extremely fast paced, seriously, there is no break, I threw candy in bags for a good two hours non-stop. In the neighborhood Trick-or-Treat, you got a break after one mob of kids would show up then you could go to the bathroom, do a shot or re-supply candy. The nice thing is I didn't have to spend $100 on candy this year. I bought the biggest bag I could find for $10 and that's all I had to get. The Trunk-or-Treat supplies the candy!
Now as to the best costume, for me it was a kid that dressed up as a faun from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The kid made their whole costume from armor to cloven hooves! There was a girl, I'm not sure what she was supposed to be but she made a wide toothy grinning mouth using hot glue and fake stiletto nails. She affixed her home made prosthetic to her face and then covered it with a hospital mask. When she got up to me, with a great flourish she pulled her hospital mask off one ear to reveal her grotesque maw. I thought her prosthetic was well done. There was also a cute little robot costume made out of cardboard and one family showed up in those inflatable t-rex costumes!
One kid showed up in a Santa costume, and I tried to spread the good word of Krampus. He just looked at me funny, I told him to look it up when he got home.
I thought it was interesting that people kept asking me if I was from the Silver Creek or Owens Livingston Funeral homes (I'm shocked there are two of them up here). I tried to make it clear that this was my own personal vehicle and not one of the funeral homes. I know that sometimes funeral directors don't like people that aren't in the bizz to drive coaches around, and especially not ones with caskets in them.
I suppose I should mention my costume... I really wasn't sure what I had to wear, but luckily crap that I took to HearseCon included my skeleton poncho, then I had the hat my friend Tina made me and gave to me at HearseCon and I bought a skeleton half mask off Amazon. Not my best costume, but I thought it was pretty cool considering most of my stuff is in storage a the moment. Sorry no pictures I was just to tired and it would have been a selfie. Harvey was my co-pilot and he finds phones difficult to use because he's just cold and boney.
All in all it was a good time and I look forward to doing it again next year.