Friday, December 21, 2018

The saga of Sparkle Farts...

It's Christmas and in my family that means a secret Santa gift exchange. We draw names at Thanksgiving and when we are all together at Christmas, we of course do the deed, and exchange the gifts.

So, adult and child names are just thrown into a hat and drawn. This year my Waffle (a.k.a. Husband) drew his niece of course the gift shopping/purchase was then pushed off onto me. Now our niece is all of seven years old and one of the items she really, really wanted was a, Baby Alive.

You can guess by the name that the "Baby Alive" does all the things that a really baby does, such as eat, drink, cry, talk and yes, the resulting bodily functions. Now as a woman who doesn't have children but does have animals, I really don't see the point in having a doll that does that. Ya wanta feed and clean up after something? I have a horse and four cats, my niece is more than welcome to feed and clean up after. My niece herself has a dog and rabbit (which she doesn't clean up after).

...but a Baby Alive is what she wants, and Uncle Waffle drew her and I am certain that he wouldn't get her the doll. So we were talking about what to get her and some how the Squatty Potty came up and the unicorn in the ads would be perfect.

Through a quick internet search we discovered that there was a unicorn doll that eats and well, you know. This was called, "Poopsie Slime Surprise Unicorn-Rainbow Bright Star." It's droppings consisted of a sort of sparkly gelatin substance. I was laughing and said that if my horse had "Poopsie slime surprise" I'd need to call the vet!

I went to Amazon and added "Poopsie Slime Surprise Unicorn-Rainbow Bright Star" to my wish list.

As I was actually cleaning up my horses not so sparkly surprise... The thought that, I'm sure my mother-in-law wouldn't want to have to fuss with mixing up slime and sparkles so that my niece could feed the unicorn. If only there was a gift that didn't require such maintenance, but was along the same lines...

Amazon recommendations to the rescue, enter Sparkle Farts!

Sparkle Farts is a unicorn plushie that, you guessed it, farts. His story is that he got into the Royal Taco Patch, which apparently gives unicorns terrible gas! Not only does he fart, he also talks with a slight British accent! THIS sounded like the perfect gift from Uncle Waffle!

So I ordered the flatulent Equine from Amazon, and gleefully awaited his arrival.

My mother-in-law asked the Waffle what he got for his niece... He told her about Sparkle Farts.

Now... I wasn't there, but apparently this was quite the unacceptable gift to get our niece! I am really at a loss as to how a doll that you have to fuss with and feed and change is superior to a taco eating unicorn that has gas. Ya don't have to feed him, he takes care of that for himself.

Somehow I have become the proud owner of an Equus monoclonius, that has a taste for tacos and is jet propelled on Tuesdays.

And my niece? She got knitting looms with lots of yarn, personally selected by Uncle Waffle.

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